garage racks

Essential Tips For The Ultimate Garage Storage Solutions

If your garage is more of a portal of doom than a functional space, don’t despair! You’re certainly not alone in using your garage as a dumping ground for sports and leisure gear, and all of those items that you keep just in case they come in handy one day. 

Maybe your garage is basically a waiting room for stuff that needs to take a trip to the tip, only you never seem to get around to going. Make this summer finally the time to get to grips with your garage gripes and turn it into a well organised space with wall storage racks. Here are some top tips to help you on your way to garage goals. 

Have a clear out

The first step is to have a marathon decluttering session to assess what you want to keep and what can go. Pick a nice dry day and take everything outside and have a good look at it…no doubt you will discover items that you forgot you owned. Sort it out into categories of items that can go to the local recycling centre, be sold or given away, and keepers.

Try not to hang on to items that you haven’t used for a couple of years: chances are, you probably don’t need it. If it’s broken, recycle, repair, or replace it. Finally, sweep out dust and debris and inspect your garage for any issues that need attention, such as leaks and loose window or door fittings, and address anything that requires repairing. 

Categorise your items

Once you have decided what to keep, sort your items into categories, such as gardening equipment, sports gear, car supplies, DIY tools, and so on. 

Plan your storage system

Now you have a clean empty garage and you know what you need to put in it, consider how you will store it. If you also keep a vehicle in your garage, then obviously you will need to keep the floor space clear. Invest in some wall mounted storage racks or hooks to make use of the vertical space, and supplement them with shelving if room allows. 

Heavy duty hooks and racks are strong enough to support bikes, ladders, and large gardening equipment such as lawnmowers. If you have specialist sports equipment such as golf clubs, it’s possible to buy racks that are specifically designed to support them. This will prolong their lifespan by keeping them in shape and protected from falls, knocks and scapes.

Make sure that any dangerous items such as gardening shears and weed killers are stored out of reach of children and pets. Place items you use most frequently nearest to hand, and store seasonal gear in the less accessible areas.

Label all your storage solutions

Make neat labels for all of your hooks, racks and so on, so that whoever uses the item knows where to return it to. This will help to prevent your garage gradually descending back into disorganisation. Review the contents of your garage at the end of each season and have a tidy up or clear out. 

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